Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sunny day on Arcadia Point.

What a lovely weekend it has been. We got so much done in the garden, and the bearded irises have started blooming as well. Here are a few photos. Garden named 'supertiny', I believe this is really i. pumila. It is almost always the first bearded iris to bloom each year. So cute. it is joined by Plum Wine, another MDB (miniature dwarf bearded).

(as always, click the photos to see the full size image)

This is for Kellie and Doris - check it out, trees in the ground. It's like a christmas miracle! Could not have done it without you both. =) I discovered that once you get past the top 8-10 inches the soil is considerable less compacted and easier to work with. It give sme hope for getting the rest of these beds done this spring.

And last, what weekend would be complete without a good cat picture, so here's Boo Boo having a nap on Daniels quilt that his grandmother made for him. A winning combination any day.


Flora Gardener said...

Great progress on your garden, and a beautiful kitty!

Flora Gardener said...

Great progress on your garden, and a beautiful kitty!