Monday, June 29, 2009

Japanese iris

We only have a few JI's here, and were getting some pretty blooms for a change. These are all rescues from a ditch downtown. Most are still there blooming. I can't give them as much water as they would like so they aren't as big and showy as they could be.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

F@#%$*G Cats!

So I've had these birdhouses on top of my potting bench for years and have never managed to put them out int he garden for the birdies to use, they were just kinda being decorative. This spring a pair of swallows decided to move into one of them. I was thrilled as they were eating all the wasps that usually nest all around the patio area. Sweet! I don't use the potting bench much so I stacked alot of junk and stuff on the main surface hoping to keep the cats off it.

Yesterday I went out to find the birdhouse pulled down, broken, and the nest ripped to shreds. One of the frikkin-frakken cats decided to get up there and cause havoc. Argh!! Then I clean that up and turn around and see my little iris seedling have all be uprooted by someone using the bed as a litterbox. Double Argh!! Some cat is very lucky I did not catch them in the act or they would be housebound for a few days. We have such bad cats. I am sure it was either Gracie or Peter doing both. They are permanently punished.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Winding down

Iris season is winding down now. Still alot of blooms, and the Japanese are just starting, but the bulk have passed. It's been pretty overwhelming and I'm a bit burnt out on pics. I took thousands and have kept 615 so far. Here's a few highlights.

Beotie. The color is not showing correctly in the photos. It is a gray-lavender-blue. Very smoky and subdued, but rich. Had seen it before but three stalks in bloom was just gorgeous. This one will get a more prominent position.

Loving Bronze Bell. Great shade of brown.

Cahokia has thrilled me for two years in a row. What a great iris! The color and form are really something. It blooms later too and extends the blue tone for the season, as my others are generally early.

On another note, I've managed to keep the deer of the rosa glauca and it is finally getting to put out a mass of blooms for us.

The peonies are really looking good this year. Finally filled in. On another note... Mr. Petey likes his sunbeam.

More to come...

Saturday, June 06, 2009