Monday, January 28, 2008

Another snow day!

We awoke this morning to find everything covered in snow. It was really pretty while it lasted. The sun is out now and it is quickly melting away (yay!).

Just to give you an idea of scale, in the bottom center of the photo above there's a pile of stumps. It's about 6 feet tall. The trees have really shot up. This spring we'll plant the shrub border along there and have big blooming shrubs to back the flower beds and soften the tree line.

Satan's little minions came by. We don't usually see them this close to the house. They keep their distance - while we're home anyway. Evil little things. I think the cuter they are the more damage they do, but I can't prove it.

Yes, that is snow on his evil little nose. Too adorable. And evil, don't forget that part.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Fondue Feast

Adam & Kevin came out last night and we had a fondue feast! What a treat this was. I've had fondue equipment for decades but never used it for anything other than a chocolate fondue twice. Last night we did a hot oil fondue, cheese and a hot rock grill. So much food!! We were all bursting at the seems by the time it was done. And then we still had chocolate fondue for dessert after. We all made a valiant effort to finish that off as well, and mostly succeeded. Here's pics: before, during and after.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Cats on the Herb

I cleaned out the utility room yesterday and consolidated several large bags of dried catnip into one small bag. Cats had a field day rollin' in the leftovers.

Cold and clear here today. We're going to try and get the chainsaw going and get some of these logs turned into stacks of fire wood.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Snow day!

We woke up to a winter wonderland this morning. About 3-4 inches of snow fell overnight. It's already melting quickly. Oh, well. I got to sleep in.

Last weekend I went to Portland to visit Miles and his kitty Sebastian. We visited the Japanese Garden there. Not sure what it is called now, but it was lovely. Even on a dark and dreary day.

I really liked the way the paths were a mix of stone and cement. Very attractive effect. Can't wait to see it in the spring.