Saturday, April 25, 2009

Blooms for late April

The first bearded irises opened last monday. This little variety of i. lutescens popped open and surprised me. It hadn't even been showing color the day before. I've been spreading them out the past few years along the edge of the driveway, with the intention of eventually having a large sweep of color. They are spreading nicely. The tip of the bloom is only 5 inches off the ground.

The Fritillaria imperialis bloomed this week. What a neat plant! I was not expecting them, as I had thought I'd planted alliums. These were a nice surprise tho. They are the brightest thing in the garden this week.

And here's a shot of another frittilaria - this one is the checkered lily.

I see a few more SDB's getting ready to bloom. Iris season is under way!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sunshine and blooms

The pulminaria's are so bright right now. The slugs and deer ignore them so they are always putting on a good show.

Tuck catches some Z's in the late afternoon. Ahn.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Spring has sprung

Warm sunny days - finally! It was up to 70 yesterday and we were out all day in it. So nice, and I got loads of stuff done. Here's the south side of the driveway as you get to the curve. This had been full of weedy fir trees and blackberries, but our wonderful neighbors, the Pearson's, have been working to clear it out for us. We'll be replanting with different trees and shrubs once it is finished. Right now I am working on removing the weeds and making beds out along the drive. I've filled it with irises of two colors, massed, and moved the red hot poker here as well. The hummingbirds that nest in the area will enjoy that.

The cats are enjoying it as well, and all the early daffs are blooming their hearts out.

We had friends over for a bonfire in the evening and watched the sun set. It was a beautiful day. Hope yours was as well.