Sunday, August 17, 2008

A few sumertime pics

Back in June there was an extreme low tide event here so mom and I walked down to the shore to check it out. A very kind lady showed us a few of the things left in the open muck as the water retreated and one of them was this pink fellow. It's really quite large - maybe a foot across or a little more.

This gorgeous shirley poppy came up early in one of the beds. I believe this was a seedling that came from a swap. Oddly when the heat came on the pink picotee edge entirely disappeared and now it is blooming pure white. The shirley poppies have been very pretty this year.

An astrantia with a visitor.

And here's a picture of Chewie. She is always doing that. I love Tucks expression in the background.

1 comment:

pilgrimchick said...

What great looking cats! I love the picture of the starfish--great pink color.