Monday, June 09, 2008

I thought I'd post a couple of pics taken in my veggie garden - which I never blog about, it seems. Poor thing, and it's growing so nicely, too...

Little strawberries, wondering when June will arrive...

while the chives don't care - they're happy to bloom regardless of the gloom.

I am not very certain of the future outcome of this poor little orphan tomato. It needs sun, and I have none to offer it.

Greens! Lovely, luscious greens!

Someday, these little bitty babies will bloom into a wildflower mix for me. Maybe. If summer ever arrives. I'd give up hope, but they haven't. So I carry on. For the flowers. ;-)

I've posted other pics on my other blog...

1 comment:

pilgrimchick said...

I'm sorry that the weather hasn't cooperated on behalf of your garden, but it does seem that things are growing fairly well regardless.