Saturday, September 01, 2007

Feels like fall

Cooler temps and turning leaves have lent a feeling of autumn to our area. Seems like we just waited for summer all season and now it's slipped away without ever really arriving.

Here's a few recent photos.

Joey deadheading the dahlias

Daylily 'Brien Lee' - loves those black buds.

A dahlia display with bowls of fruits and veggies.

And finally, the gorgeous geometry of sedum spurium

We're off to Mike's Dahlias in Shelton this morning to do some shopping for next years growing. I am excited to have some new varieties. Even though we added 28 last year, many turned out to be duplicates or just bad varieties (stems to short for cutting, lousy garden display, horrific color, etc.) and only a dozen or so remain.


Julie said...

The dahlia's on the bar look gorgeous!! I sure enjoyed my beautiful bunch =o)

Flora Gardener said...

Indeed, the glimpse of your home's interior makes it look really pretty and airy.