Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Mike and I were driving down the driveway the other evening, and saw flickery little shapes bouncing about in the air over us. It was a bat, most likely a Little Brown Bat, Myotis lucifugus. We've discussed in the past how we would like to help them along by building boxes for them.

This Seattle Times article has some good basic info about our little brown friend, and a link to a Fish & Wildlife site about building a bat box.

I love bats.

1 comment:

Petunia's Gardener said...

Thanks for visiting Petunia's Garden & spidery friends. I love bats too. Funny, we had then when we lived a few miles away in a subdivision. Now we have more space and no bats. I wonder if the bugs around the lights attacted them there. Maybe one night they'll be here.