Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Northern "Red-Shafted" Flicker

This morning finds Mike and I at the picture windows peering out into the rain at a small bird hopping about in the weeds. We've identified it as a Northern "Red-Shafted" Flicker, Colaptes auratus.

Peterson's Western Birds says that that the Red-Shafted is common to the area and that it has red to salmon orange tail and wing linings, which cause it to flash red or orange when taking off, which indeed this does.

We're happy to see another species of animal make its home here.

Northern "Red-Shafted" Flicker, Colaptes auratus,
image shamelessly stolen from the internet

1 comment:

Flora Gardener said...

I love that bird...was blown away the first time I saw it. My birdwatching friend says it is sometimes called the Common Flicker, but how can a bird like that be called common???