Monday, September 27, 2010

Early autumn

I hate winter, but I love fall. Yesterday Daniel and I went out to the woods and collected chanterelles. Combined with what he had from his walk the day before we now have about 5 pounds. What to do? Well, we deep fried some and used some more in a delicious cream sauce that we served over sauteed chicken breasts and spaghetti squash. Dee-lish.

Cyclamen are blooming again. They like the cool wet weather.

I am slowly getting a new bed in the courtyard. Weather is not cooperating. Digging is done tho so now just hauling rocks and bringing in amending soil to finish it off. Then I can plant it.

Here's Junebug looking radiant in the late afternoon sunshine.

Saturday night Kevin & Adam brought their new kittens over for a play date with Junebug. A great time was had by all... except Mr. Pansy, who did not appreciate the attention of three kitens.

That's Boris next to Junebug and Vlad on the right. They are soo cute.

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