Monday, September 27, 2010

Early autumn

I hate winter, but I love fall. Yesterday Daniel and I went out to the woods and collected chanterelles. Combined with what he had from his walk the day before we now have about 5 pounds. What to do? Well, we deep fried some and used some more in a delicious cream sauce that we served over sauteed chicken breasts and spaghetti squash. Dee-lish.

Cyclamen are blooming again. They like the cool wet weather.

I am slowly getting a new bed in the courtyard. Weather is not cooperating. Digging is done tho so now just hauling rocks and bringing in amending soil to finish it off. Then I can plant it.

Here's Junebug looking radiant in the late afternoon sunshine.

Saturday night Kevin & Adam brought their new kittens over for a play date with Junebug. A great time was had by all... except Mr. Pansy, who did not appreciate the attention of three kitens.

That's Boris next to Junebug and Vlad on the right. They are soo cute.

Monday, September 20, 2010

A September Cider Pressing

Yesterday Daniel and I were invited to a friends house in Union for a potluck and get-together, which also involved a visit to their neighbors house for a cider pressing party and bluegrass jamboree. We had a great time, picked some apples to bring home, and got to see alot of great art, eat some amazingly good food, and hear some fun music. Wish I'd had my camera with me. here's some kitten pics instead:

Friday, September 17, 2010


I was surprised to see my last remaining surprise lily blooming today. What an aptly named plant... well, the name I grew up with anyway.

And here's pics of the new baby. His eye is all better but now he has a cold.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Say hi to Junebug!

We picked up Junebug yesterday and he is getting used to the place and all the new cats and smells and sounds. He came with an injured eye, hence the weird eyes in the second pic. They said he hit it on the bars of his cage while playing with his little friends. Should heal up in a few days.

So far Mr. Petey is interested in him and not concerned, tho not overly friendly either. The girls just hiss and spit and walk away. He is very energetic and is going to be a beautigul kitty as he grows up. His tail is extra long (and check out the four rings at the end!) and he's long-legged too. Couldn't be sweeter.

Monday, September 06, 2010

News for early September

I'm finishing the last of the digging of irises for my eBay sales. Really pleased with them this year, but next year will sell earlier and be done by the end of August. Fans just aren't looking good right now. I'd prefer to send them to customers looking their best.

Remember those huckleberry flowers I posted last spring? here they are again:

And here is what the bees made of them for me:

A huge bumper crop this year. More than I can even get to or use if I could. I turned that bowl, along with some frozen blackberries from earlier in the summer into this:

We'll be sharing it with friends after dinner tonight. The recipe is from Cuisine At Home, called a Black & Blue pie. Theirs calls for blueberries but I sub huckleberries. Same family. I am considering trying my hand at jelly. never done it before, but a good time to try as there is just so much fruit available.

Here's three shots of last nights sunset. Couldn't pick one I liked best so saved all of them. We have the best sunsets in Washington.

Not alot of cat action going on recently, tho I got two good shots of Miss Gracie this week. She is as gorgeous as ever.

Andf that DVD in the background? 'A Single Man' - fantastic. The directorial debut of fashion designer Tom Ford and what a beautiful piece of work it is. Every shot is a work of art. See it.

New kitten pics soon as I am getting a new one for my birthday. He is tiger-striped and marmalade in color. Had gone to look for another tuxedo baby but liked the personality on this one so much went with him. We'll call him Junebug (Junior, JuJuBee, Bugsy, etc.). I even get to pick him up on my birthday! Yay!