Sunday, May 09, 2010

Mother's Day Weekend

Daniel and I had Friday off so we took the opportunity to clean up the northeast corner of the house. This area had long been a dumping spot for bric-a-brac from the garden and hence overgrown with weeds and blackberries. We hauled everything out we wanted to keep and then cleared the sod off. The area against the house became a staging area for the garbage and recycling. Long overdue. The area near the corner of the house became an extension of the shade bed. A rhodie and several small hostas went in there.

The irises area really getting started now, with two or three new varieties a day opening. Still looks sparse across the garden but more color is showing all the time. Here's a few favorites.

The little hyacinth's, sometimes called mountain bells, managed to escape the attentions of the deer (who have been rather scarce since puppy moved in) and are looking lovely in a little pastel clump.

And check out these amazing 'flora plena' welsh poppy seedlings that came up in one of the beds. I love that bright orange-yellow! They look spectacular next to a Japanese maple seedling, also in shades of orange. You can see some of its leaves at the left edge of the photo if you embiggen it.

And finally Mr. Pansy sleeping with his head on his foot. So cute.

1 comment:

pilgrimchick said...

Lovely flowers. Oh, and I've seen that cat pose before many times among my three girls.