And here's the after shot. There's two filberts and a gooseberry in here, along with two types of huckleberries. We'll bring in a few more huckleberries in fall to fill it in more. Native blackberries are winding all over the ground as well. Once we get some wood chip mulch in there and let it sit for a year or two it should be lovely.

A few days after clearing it I caught the local woodpecker visiting the stumps to prospect for bugs. S/he has been very active lately all around our clearing and carrying on loudly in the woods. love having them around.

Here's a pretty omphaloides:

And one of my favorites. We've always called it the 'mouse butt plant' as the little blooms look like the back end of a mouse sticking out from under the leaves.

Here's some irises that are blooming now.

Lots of stalks rising all over the garden. Looks to be a good bloom season if the weather stays pleasant.
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