Ritz - One of my favorite SDBs.

Pilgrim's Choice - The color is ethereal and impossible to capture with a camera. You have to see it in person. here's a close-up.

I. taochia - The slugs keep getting the flowers before I can get a shot of them. The color is amazing. So rich and metallic.

The annual open garden weekend is coming up: May 23-24, 10am - 5pm. Other times by appointment. Drop me a line - mikes.garden (at) gmail.com. I made this double sided sign to sit by the road at the end of the driveway, as the place is a little hard to find. I thought it turned out pretty good, even if the lettering is sloppy. I'll get the stand finished the next rainy day.

Miles came for a visit last weekend and helped me out in the garden. We got so much done! (And thank you so much, Miles.) He took the following three pics while here. I thought they were excellent. Especially the sky. The blue flowers are brunnera 'Langtrees'. Excellent shade plant. Very tough as well as beautiful.

The signs look great!
Yay iris season! The signs are fab! You will be happy/surprised to know that I have actually weeded my gardens this spring. Irises are just starting to pop here. Amazing what a little time off from the working world can do. Though I must admit that weeding with a one year old can be a bit of a challenge.
Sounds like the perfect opportunity to train a weedpuller for you! LOL.
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