Another week, another slew of irises. This charming little yellow IB (intermediate bearded) opened a few days ago. Was supposed to be Prairie Gold but isn't. Nice tho.

The PCIs (Pacific Coast Iris) are opening now. Had three today. This dark purple beauty might be Night Editor but I can't find a pic to compare. Whatever it is it is covered in blooms. Stunning.

The next came from my Great Aunt Glady's place in Morrisonville, IL. It might be
I. kochii but my IK has never bloomed so I can't compare them. Argh.

Last for irises is Chanted. A wonderful little pink with a blue beard. The camera just won't capture the smokiness, making it too pink.

The pansy with the Mexican feather grass in the pot grouping beside the front door is just amazing. We have enjoyed it so much, along with all the succulents planted in the terracotta and 'tufa pots.

And what would spring be without bleeding hearts? Sad, I tell you, just sad. I adore bleeding hearts. Actually, anything in the dicentra family or its relatives is loved here. Corydalis? Love it. Climbing bleeding heart? Love it. Love'em all.

More to come...