Almost all the weeds and scrub have been cleared out, and the dirt moved about to give a more pleasing flow to the ground levels. Next, weed trees need to come out so new ones can go in. I'm thinking of lilacs in a couple of spots, definitely dogwood and vine maple on the neighbors side, along with mock orange and osoberry over mahonia, salal, native iris and ferns. Iris and daylilies along the driveway edge.

Still need to dig out the soil along the driveway edge and get the rocks out. They laid it quite wide the first time thru, but there's no need for it to remain that extreme. Already it's an improvement, but it'll look really good in about five years.
Looks like back-breaking work to me, but I just wish it would get warm enough in IL to start tearing up sod for a garden space! Mom
It is very hard on the back, but it only needs doing once and then the results are so worth it.
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