Mike & Daniel's adventures in Northwest gardening.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
A mulching we will go
Finding a good day to be outside and get some garden beds put to rest is wonderful, and Monday was just such a day. Not only did the entire driveway bed get weeded and mulched this weekend, but on Monday I managed to get two new large beds made and planted in the back of the rootwad in that bed, under the madrona tree. I'm really pleased at how it turned out and can't wait to finish the whole length of it off. So many other areas are wanting my attention though. I'm trying to work on those we can see from inside the house, as I'm tired of seeing weeds out there. Here's pics.
How come you never linked me to this blog before?? The pictures are great, love the cat-nipped cats and the owl. Indidentally, the devil's minion is a "she", not a "he", no antlers. Anyway, good job! Can't wait to see it all in person. Love, Mom
Looks fanfreakintastic!
I love how you order the unorderly!
How come you never linked me to this blog before?? The pictures are great, love the cat-nipped cats and the owl. Indidentally, the devil's minion is a "she", not a "he", no antlers. Anyway, good job! Can't wait to see it all in person. Love, Mom
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