- finished the ramp to the (eventual) chicken yard.
- widened and edged the pathway along the terraces heading down hill
- weeded a huge iris bed along the drive
- cleaned out more brush from the (formerly) big pile and rearranged the stumps into an attractive formation.
What a difference it all makes! Here's pics.

Stumps before and after - so much better! Now they forma nice arc that will be a great backdrop to the shrub border I want to put in front of them, with iris beds in front of that.

Loads of irises are opening. 90 varieties opened this past week between Monday and Thursday. My grandmother's favorite color is brown, and she had brown irises in her garden when I was a kid. Here's several in the brown family that are currently blooming. Last shot is the Kleinsorge bed at sundown.

I missed 'friday cat blogging' so here's a pretty picture of Miss Gracie. She is ever so elegant, even when sitting in the dirt. That's Daniel's truck Wanda in the back.

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