Saturday, November 21, 2009

Rainy November

We've nothing but rain for two weeks. It's getting old, but that's the PNW for ya. Beats snow. Here's a shot of that bed I've been working on in the back yard. Both side beds are now complete and planted (mostly). Still need to dig the center circle bed and get it ready to plant. We'll get an apple tree in spring to be the centerpiece. I wanted something we could prune to fill the space we wanted and that gives us the bonus of fruit and multi-season interest.

Speaking of apples, here's a crisp I made last weekend. Granny smiths and no sweetening but the topping. Delish!

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Huzzah! Another Halloween has come and gone without a spook to be seen. We had a great night of food, friends and fire. Spent the afternoon gathering wood for a bonfire and Joey & Wes, Terry, Julie and Jonathan joined us just around dark and we got it blazing away. A delicious feast of roasted sausages, baked beans, and various snackages followed, all washed down with wine or whiskey. Merriment ensued. And I made pie!

Had not done small hand pies before and learned a few things (like don't forget the steam vents). But they were delicious!

I caught Peter creeping along the tightrope that is the window edge of the car.

Chewie, of course, is her same silly self.

Hope your All Hallow's Eve was just as fun as ours.