Sunday, September 13, 2009

On the edge of autumn

I love autumn in the northwest. It wasn't a particularly welcome season in other parts of the US I have lived in, but here it is. The long , dry summer is ending and the rains come back. Everything is so fresh and green again for a burst before winter's dark chill sets in. Fall is the season for planting irises and refreshing flowerbeds. And cooking. Fall is for cooking.

Here's a pizza I started making after reading a recipe
Cuisine at Home had in a recent issue. Store bought pizza dough (so much easier and more reliable than home made, tho you know I love scratch), topped with leftover roasted chicken chunks, sauteed mushrooms, onions, and garlic, artichoke hearts, a sprinkle of pine nuts, with grated mozzarella, a light sprinkle of feta and some fresh grated parm to finish it off. Perfection.

With my neck healed up I am finally able to get some projects seen to. First on the list was one I showed a few posts ago - the flowerbeds to the right of the front entrance. This area has been waiting for a long time, and for good reason. It is so difficult to dig in! The construction compaction still makes it a miserable, slow, back-breaking job. But at last - it's done. In a few years the lilacs and hibiscus will fill in and break up that long blank wall. Irises at the edge of the long bed will highlight my collection of Gibson plicatas, while the triangle has a color coordinated set of historics in browns, golds, reds and dark purples. You saw before, here's during and after.

And finally, last night's sunset. Embiggen it - its worth it.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Friday, September 04, 2009


I am so happy to see the surprise lilies blooming. They always remind me of my grandma. I had thought the two survivors of the move were wasting away but they put up good strong stems this fall.

Th deer have left gaura alone... it's looking fantastic!

Here's something you won't see often - an unattractive picture of the place. But it shows what changes I am working on to fill in, break up and cover unsightly necessities across the front of the house. Consider this a before picture.

Of course Chewie is rolling in the dirt.

Some of the semps are really looking good right now. (enlarge this one - the details are great)