So we've been having snow for days now, and alot more is predicted to fall this weekend. Here's some pics I took this morning. It is lovely, if inconvenient.

Little birds are all over the verbena stalks eeating seeds and probably scattering even more that I'll be pulling all spring as they sprout.

A woodpecker stopped by and made a racket for long enough for a few pics. This one turned out best. His red head was flashing in the morning sun. They are so shy, and we hear them often but rarely get to see them.

We put up the aluminum xmas tree last weekend. Even without all the lights working it is pretty.

And what is a blog post without some baked goods? Spent all last weekend baking for the family. Here's a shot of some cscones. I forgot to take pics of the rest of the goodies.

Happy holidays to all!